Are You Wrestling with the Unseen Monster of Creativity?

Simplify to Unleash Your True Potential!

Pegah Malekpour Alamdari


Diving headfirst into the ocean of creativity, I’ve come to realize that it’s a lot like exploring uncharted territory. You’re the brave adventurer, armed with nothing but your wits and your ability to see the unseen, connect the unconnected, and reveal the value buried under layers of obscurity. It’s exhilarating, isn’t it? The thrill of chasing that fleeting idea through the fog of uncertainty, the rush of insight when the pieces click together, and the satisfaction of carving out something truly unique from the chaos. Yes, the inherent complexity of creative work is a beast, but it’s a beast we learn to love because, in its wildness, we find our purpose and our passion.

Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash

As a fellow adventurer in the realm of creativity, I’ve encountered a lurking beast that doesn’t inspire or challenge but seeks to entangle and sap. This beast, known by many names, unnecessary complexity, the great time-sucker, the energy vampire, the momentum killer-is the extra, convoluted systems and processes we convince ourselves we need, the meetings that meander into meadows of nothingness, and the organizational hieroglyphics we’re supposed to decipher to get on with our work.

